Follow The COP26 Journey:
Follow Pastors Danielle and Kevin on Twitter above. Video reports and written reports will be posted to our YouTube channel.​
COP26 Daily Podcast
Pastor Danielle was interviewed for this podcast beginning at 25:46
"Eyewitness To COP26" Event:
"Eyewitness To COP26" Event:
"Eyewitness To COP26" Event:

Why Is This Important?
As the ecological crisis of climate change becomes more dire, action becomes more crucial. This COP is considered by many the most important gathering to date, since the Paris Agreement in 2015, for reaching our climate goals. The decisions made at this gathering will impact this decade and potentially the centuries to come.

Why Is Spark Participating?
The Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP) is a recognized "Non-Party Stakeholder" at the COP. This authorizes a limited number of CCOP persons in the "Blue Zone,"* where only UN Approved NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) representatives can attend. CCOP hopes to immerse Christian leaders in the world of climate action, training them to effect and influence change.
Pastor Danielle applied for the CCOP program, was accepted, and has been granted Observer status in the Blue Zone* at COP26 with CCOP. We believe that climate change is the most important issue of our day, affecting quite literally everything we care about. It is our pursuit of #GospelJustice that drives us to participate and advocate for creation care.
[*The Blue Zone is a UN-managed space that hosts the negotiations. The space brings together delegations from 197 Parties, alongside observer organizations to share their stories at panel discussions, side events, exhibits, and cultural events. All attendees within the Blue Zone must be accredited by the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).]
Pastor Kevin will also be participating with Pastor Danielle in the "Green Zone" a platform for the general public, youth groups, civil society, academia, artists, business, multi-faith groups (#Faiths4COP26), and others to have their voices heard through events, exhibitions, workshops and talks that promote dialogue, awareness, education and commitments.
Educational Resources for the SF Bay Area
Have other resources? Let us know, and we'll add them to this list!​
Additional Links
Families! Do a "Melting Polar Ice Caps" experiment at home!

Have other resources? Let us know, and we'll add them to this list!​