2023 Bible Conference
Between Heaven & Earth
God & Chaos in The Bible

Dr. Anna Sieges-Beal
Dr. Cyndi Parker
Pastor Danielle Parish
May 20-21, 2023
Session 1: Deuteronomy, Chaos, and the Search for Eden
Dr. Cyndi Parker
Session 2: When God is Chaotic in The Book of The Twelve
Dr. Anna Sieges-Beal
Session 3: Conversational Interview Q&R
Dr. Cyndi Parker, Dr. Anna Sieges-Beal, Pastor Danielle Parish
Session 4: In Chaos, Hope
Dr. Cyndi Parker, Dr. Anna Sieges-Beal
Session 5: On The Road to Emmaus
Pastor Danielle Parish
Session 6: Conversational Interview Q&R
Dr. Cyndi Parker, Dr. Anna Sieges-Beal, Pastor Danielle Parish


Where do we find hope in an uncertain world? Is God only found in times of prosperity and order or is God also present in times of difficulty and chaos?
The grand narrative of the Bible is a powerful exploration of the human condition. In times of confusion, uncertainty, and exile, the Torah, the prophets, and Jesus speak of hope, justice, love and redemption. What is their reason for this hope? And what might they say to us today, as we find ourselves in uncertain times, disillusioned, questioning, and curious?

Join us as we continue this journey of living “between heaven and earth.”

Cyndi Parker
Cyndi holds a Ph.D. in Theological and Religious Studies from the University of Gloucestershire, and teaches in churches and universities around the world. She is the creator of Narrative of Place, the host of the Context Matters podcast, and the Director of Education and Conversation at Resurrection Philadelphia. At the core of many of her projects is the desire to help people learn to read the Land of the Bible. Cyndi lived in Jerusalem for five years, and she continues to develop innovative educational trips to Israel, seeking to inspire students of all ages through experiential education. Her research interests include biblical views of Place, Biblical History and Geography, and the correlation between Theology and Ecology.

Anna Sieges-Beal
Anna holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Literature from Baylor University. She teaches all manner of Bible things at Gardner-Webb University where she enjoys engaging with students on biblical interpretation, and curiosities that arise when reading and studying. You can also catch Dr. Sieges' work in short videos, blogs, and episodes on The Bible for Normal People podcast. She also loves talking with Dr. Parker on the Context Matters pod. Dr. Sieges specializes in the prophetic literature of the Book of the Twelve (Minor Prophets). She enjoys rom-coms, Mexican food, and not taking herself too seriously.
Danielle Parish
Danielle is the co-founding lead pastor of Spark.Church. She has been a vocational pastor in small and large churches in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1999. She holds a M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, is a certified Spiritual Director, and has completed graduate work at Jerusalem University College. She is the founder and tour leader of Come and Learn To Walk Israel-In-Depth Study Tours, and is published in the online journal, Jerusalem Perspective. Danielle's commentary on Genesis and Exodus from Rose Publishing is releasing this summer.

A parallel program will be provided for kids (ages 3-12) including bounce houses, bible teaching, outdoor play, and movie night. Please register your kids during the ticket checkout process on the registration page.
Saturday, May 20
*Bounce House, Crafts, Playground, and a special live show from "Fur, Scales and Tails!"
4:30 p.m.
SESSION 1: "Deuteronomy & Chaos" [Cyndi]
5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
SESSION 2: "The Book Of The 12 & Chaos" [Anna]
6:45 p.m.
SESSION 3: Conversational Interview Q&R [Danielle, Cyndi, Anna]
7:30 p.m.
Dessert "After-Party"
Sunday, May 21
10:00 a.m.
Bagels in the Park Hangout
*Mitchell Park, Izzy's Brooklyn Bagels, Magical Bridge Playground!
4:45 p.m.
Spark.Church's Worship Service
SESSION 4: "Jesus as Covenant and Prophet In The Chaos" [Cyndi & Anna]
*Dinner, Crafts, Playground and and a special live reptile show, "For Goodness Ssssnakes".
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
SESSION 5: "On The Road to Emmaus [Danielle]
7:00 p.m.
SESSION 6: Conversational Q&R Interview [Danielle, Cyndi, & Anna]
"Now What?"
7:30 p.m.
Dessert "After-Party"